Torna a Allevamento - Breeding    

Club Italiano Canarino Lancashire





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Se i Lancashire hanno lo spazio per muovere le ali, non diventeranno mai apatici e sonnolenti! Dopo una settimana in una volieretta degna del nome, iniziano a sgranchirsi le ali, mettere su un po di muscolatura ottima sia per le esposizioni che per le future cove.

If the lanchasire have room to move the wings, them wont turn weak or sleepy. After a week into a spacefull cage them start to really streach out them wings, build up some muscles whom is very welcom either for keeping outstanding pose on exposition and to give them extra strenght to grow up them cubs


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01) Volo di novelli Lancashire

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02) Lancashire - Una frullata d'ali

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03) Lancashire - Varie tipologie di volo

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04) Lancashire - Atterraggio

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05) Lancashire - Loop o giro della morte. A volo rovesciato!

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06) Lancashire plainhead giallo e coppy bianco in volo

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07) Lancashire - Coppy e Plainhead bianchi e gialli in volo

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08) Lancashire - Volo veloce! 

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09) Lancashire . Frenata su volo veloce! Flap abbassati!

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10) Lancashire - Inseguimento a volo radente

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11) Lancashire - Volo veloce

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12) Lancashire - A volo d'angelo

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13) Lancashire - Chi arriverà primo?

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14) Lancashire - Curva in volo

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15) Lancashire - Atterraggio

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16) Lancashire volanti

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17) Lancashire giallo che prende il volo e Lancashire bianco in volo

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18) Lancashire coppy bianco ad ali spiegate.

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19) Lancashire - Volo veloce

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20) Lancashire - Volo con mantella per freno NO 

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21) Lancashire - Flap interamente abbassati!

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22) Lancashire in volo

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23) Lancashire in volo

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24)  Lancashire in volo

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25) Lancashire plainhead giallo in volo

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26) La volieretta dove i Lancashire si sono esibiti!

Prima edizione scheda 07/08/2008 aggiornamento 11/08/2008




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Torna a Allevamento - Breeding